What is the LiveType Project? | About | Objectives | Calendar
LiveType Project new name
The LiveType Project will change it's name in the near future. But, in order to do that, We will have to decide on a new name. Please visit the poll page and vote or suggest on the new name. Thanks!
What is the LiveType Project?
The LiveType Project focuses on the development of complete Fonts using Fontforge.
This project aims that everyone involved can and will learn more about typography and type developing in a collaborative method. It will provide the fonts and the font files regularly to users, developers and anyone with an interest in type.
What are you waiting for? Get involved!
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Right now the project is maintained only by me (Pedro Amado). Nevertheless I am willing to accept all collaborations. So what are you waiting for? Get Involved!
Sourceforge Project Web Page
(In case you're wondering, this has nothing to do with Apple's Livetype Software!
*Placeholder for the upcomming Blog or Forum (I still don't know, you tell me!)
Project Admins:
Pedro Amado [PT]
Project Collaborators:
vquelhas - Developer & Web Design
steelchords - Content Manager, Web Design and Database Manager
val2506 - Content Manager, Web Design and Database Manager
shawkash - Developer
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The main goal of this project is to design usable typefaces in the most professional way using open source software (Fontforge) an learn how to design type professionally in the making. The secondary objective is to make all this happen in a collaborative way. So what are you waiting for? Get Involved!
Phase One - A working type specimen
- Uppercase hinted "skeleton" to test proportions;
- Get it right to use on screen and to serve as central "light weight" hinted guidelines;
Phase Two - A full working typeface
- Numerals;
- Diacritics;
- Hints;
- Lowercase;
- Hints;
Phase Three - A full working font
- First Multiplemaster Axis - weight;
- Produce an Uppercase, Lowercase, Numerals and Diacritcs hinted "skeleton" to test proportions - this should be relatively easy if the central "light weight" arg. 1.1 works well;
- Get the hints right (by now this should be easy);
Phase Three - Completing the font
- Second Multiplemaster Axis - Width;
- Produce an Uppercase, Lowercase, Numerals and Diacritcs hinted "skeleton" to test proportions;
- Get the hints right;
Phase Four - Getting the familly toghether for dinner!
- 2 Axis Multiplemaster - blend it and hope everything works out;
- Generate 5x5 Opentype matrix font(s).
- Repeat it all over and over again until there is a solid knowledge on type design and use of Fontforge. Maybe this thay will come in under 2 years time?
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2005.06 - First Sketches (see the sketches)
2005.06 - Complete Upercase (see some screenshots)
2005.07 - Complete Lowercase
2005.08 - Complete Numerals + Diacritics
2005.09 - Finish Hinted "Skeleton" + test the font with real text
2005.10 - Debug
2005.11 - Start the MultipleMaster Design
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Meanwhile if you have some interesting information you would like to share, documents, links, known about typography, webdesign, know about Linux OS or just "plain old" interested, why don't you Get involved?
If you need more info or have any suggestions, contact me - pedamado@netcabo.pt